Previously On: Pulp Cthulhu The Two-Headed Serpent, Ep3
Encounter 3. Bolivian camp… Big Mitch tossed his aviator’s scarf over his shoulder despite the fact he didn’t fly. Lungs heavy with the...
Previously On: Ladies' Night - Curse of Strahd Redux Ep11 & 12
Cast of Characters Brigid the Badass Barbarian by Heather Thornton Ramona Briars the Small & Mighty Paladin by Candace Reagan Zyrella...
Previously On: Pulp Cthulhu The Two-Headed Serpent, Ep2
Update from June 10th. Please add or correct any information I either got incorrect or left out. This is from Teddy's POV. Bolivia March...
Game Musings: Loot Tokens, A Variant for Treasures
Seeking feedback! Link to Excel Spreadsheet. So, someone on the D&D 5e Facebook group was having issues with players spending too much...
Pulp Cthulhu: The Two-Headed Serpent Ep01
I know Kelly has mentioned doing the write up for Sunday's game, but holy cow, nice work Tyler! As our mysterious Keeper of Arcane Lore...