Game Musings: Loot Tokens, A Variant for Treasures
Seeking feedback! Link to Excel Spreadsheet. So, someone on the D&D 5e Facebook group was having issues with players spending too much time looting and it slowing down the game. I'm not one who has experienced this issue myself, but it got the old Dungeon Master gears whirring and I took to an Excel spreadsheet with the Dungeon Master's Guide Treasure chapter wide open.

Here's the shorthand: Defeating monsters (and possibly other encounters) earns tokens (narratively: bags of stuff), when you rest or get into town, you can spend those tokens to roll (d100) on a table. The more tokens you can spend at once, the better chance for good gear. Parties can pool tokens or players can go it alone. I've also thrown in House Rules and CR-based token earning to the far right of the table with variations based on game style. Other Details F-grade includes stuff that is worth less than 1 gold, D-grade less than 50 gold (more or less), C-grade gets into uncommon loot, B-grade into some rare goods, A-grade into very rare, AAA-grade into more very rare items, and S-grade into legendary items. There's also 1 in ten billion that a single token becomes an S grade item because each grade less than S has at least one, "Roll on the next column." All but the S column have at least one item inspired by the trinket table in the Player's Handbook. I've explicitly avoided doing gold, gems, or valuable statuary as they seem like the least interesting to me personally. Questions So, DMs, would you consider using something like this to manage treasure? Players, would you have fun "gambling" with your tokens? Would you pool them together knowing that the item would probably be a better fit for another player? Do the token rates seem fair? Do the token costs seem alright? Does this seem like a nice twist on looting bodies and the like?