Vault and COVID-19 (the Novel Coronavirus)
The outbreak of COVID-19 has and will continue to result in many interruptions to everyday life. Among them, the halt in public gaming...

Previously On Horror on the Orient Express: Letter From Yuri to Emma
Tyler built a hearty, cosmopolitan boxer, Yuri Nekal, for our pulpy investigations in the Horror on the Orient Express. As the Keeper of...

Design Notes: SynthWave RPG
The year is 208X. Augmented reality, or AR, and the dawn of Para-sentient artificial intelligence have transformed the world. Rogue AI...

Previously On: Horror on the Orient Express Quick Summary
Our investigation on and off the Simplon-Orient Express continue! Since our last update we've seen: Our investigators meet up with a...

Previously On: Horror on the Orient Express
We're underway with our Call of Cthulhu: Horror on the Orient Express investigation (with just a dash of Pulp Cthulhu rules thrown in)...

VaultCon Update: A Full Schedule & the VWS Memorial Fund
We're less than four weeks away and we have our final schedule for VaultCon III! In addition to these scheduled events, you'll be able to...

VaultCon Update: Tabletop Game Master Slots Remain & VWS Values
Here is our updated schedule: 11:00 am - Shadowrun Anarchy |
12:00 pm - First Tabletop Game Slot | 2:00 pm - Take 'Em For All They'

VaultCon III Partner: Victim-Witness Services of Coconino County
We're excited to announce that Victim-Witness Services of Coconino County will be the 2019 recipient of VaultCon's ticket proceeds! In...

Ladies' Night: The Seven Kingdoms Ep2 & 3
In which we find an opportunity for transportation and uneasy acquaintances... With a modest raft exchanged for the lives of some of its...
Design Notes: Finding Your Edge
Enjoy this excerpt from the companion piece to our new Ladies' Night game of villainy. We aim to create a set of exercises and examples...