Welcome Letter: Pen & Paper Guild of Northern Arizona
Welcome to the Pen & Paper Guild of Northern Arizona! Looking to play or master a tabletop roleplaying game? This is the place to be! Here you can check in on ongoing RPG campaigns, keep an eye out for one shot sessions, or recruit new players. The Ongoing Stuff I'm Game Master Caleb and I started Vault: Bringing Back Game Night to encourage face-to-face fun. Our RPG player community has grown well beyond what I alone can accommodate. And that is a really, really good thing! Instead of trying to have a direct hand in every sorcerous fireblast, swashbuckling wink, suspenseful hinge squeal, and brutal axe-swing, I'm looking to encourage new game masters, invite new players to the table, and maintain a respectful environment for everyone. Here is a quick rundown:
Develop and maintain a community of pen & paper players
Encourage new game masters and facilitate new gaming tables
Provide materials such as playmats, rulebooks, figures, dice, and the like
And most importantly, ensure a respectful community of player peers no matter individuals' backgrounds no matter your age, race, faith, physical ability, or education, we want you to feel welcome.
The New Stuff Until today, I've hoped to franchise out the RPG model Vault had developed to entice and support new game masters with the encouragement of play opportunities. I have made the decision to pull away from that model as new campaigns get underway and new game masters begin managing their own tables. This is awesome and we want to celebrate this! So our attention is changing. We are experimenting with free RPG open houses to connect game masters, players, venues, and game systems. We won't be able to provide as much support as we had hoped, but this way we continue to grow the community of adventurers getting together to tell exciting stories together. I, Game Master Caleb, am still working out the kinks. For the time being, I will continue to charge a monthly fee for my tables to cover my time and obtain more resources for Vault's RPG sessions. I want to provide hands on support to new game masters, too, but that will be improvisational at the moment. For now, check out and RSVP to our first RPG Open House to find a new--and maybe your first--table of players! Thank you for your support and interest. We do hope to continue to nurture the community and support new players! https://www.facebook.com/events/1988375364760197/?active_tab=about